Saturday, March 3, 2012


Although Swiss food is perhaps less known worldwide than its Italian and Chinese counterparts, some elements of its cuisine are internationally known. Cheese and chocolate are two staples of Swiss cuisine and their use in recipes is widely spread. Today I will give you the recipes of the internationally acclaimed fondue, the mouthwatering chocolate cake, the healthy birchermuesli, and my special favorite Swiss bread pudding.

FONDUE (serves 4-5 people)

1 garlic clove
600 grams of grated Gruyere/Emmental cheese*
10 oz. dry white wine
2 ½  tbsp. Kirsch
2 tsp. cornstarch
Pepper and nutmeg to taste
1 large loaf of bread

~For this recipe you will need special equipment, a heat-proof pot (a caquelon is highly recommended), a small burner, and fondue forks.
~For the strongest and most traditional fondue use Gruyere cheese only. For a mild fondue use Emmental cheese (recommended specially for those not familiar with fondue). As you start getting used to the Emmental cheese fondue you can start combining both cheeses according to your tastes.
~Always start with less wine rather than more and adjust the quantities depending on how the chosen cheese absorbs the wine.

1. Cut the clove of garlic in half and rub the entire heat-proof pot with it. Pour the white wine inside the pot and warm it over medium heat without boiling.
2. Incorporate your choice of grated cheese gradually while you stir.
3. In a small plastic container mix the Kirsch and the cornstarch until dissolved.
4. After all the cheese has melted but before the mixture boils, add the Kirsch mix to the cheese pot stirring occasionally. Do not let the mixture overheat or else it will spill from the pot.
5. Add the pepper and nutmeg to the fondue and move the pot to the burner set on your table. Make sure to adjust the flame so that the fondue keeps bubbling while it’s eaten.
6. Attach bite-size pieces of bread to the forks and dip into the fondue. Enjoy.

SCHOKOLADE KUCHEN/chocolate cake (serves 15 people)

200 grams of semi-sweet chocolate (I like Lindt or Godiva)
150 grams of unsalted butter
230 grams of granulated sugar (I like to use 115 grams of splenda and the other 115 grams of regular sugar)
125 grams of crushed graham crackers
125 grams of ground almonds
6 eggs (separate the yolks from the whites)
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
Pinch of salt

Ingredients for frosting:
½ cup of sugar
3 tbsp water
6 oz. semisweet chocolate
1-2 drops olive oil

Directions for the Cake:
~Preheat oven to 350˚F (180˚C)
1. Melt the butter over medium-low heat until completely dissolved.
2. In a separate bowl mix the sugar, vanilla sugar, and salt. Add to the butter and once the mix is smooth, incorporate the yolks one by one until smooth.
3. Heat 3 tbsp. of water in a separate bowl and once the water starts bubbling, add the chocolate and stir until melted. Add the melted chocolate to the sugar mix.
4. Mix the crushed graham crackers with the ground almonds and add this to the chocolate/sugar mix.
5. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks and fold them into the main mix.
6. Grease a spring-form pan and pour the mix into it. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes.

Directions for Frosting:
1. In pan, dissolve the sugar and the water over moderate heat; bring to a boil and reduce heat until the sugar syrup turns a light yellow color.
2. While the syrup cools down, melt the chocolate in a separate pan. Stir the syrup into the chocolate and add the olive oil while you continue stirring until the frosting has reached the desired consistency.
3. Spread the frosting on the cake and leave to set until cold.


4 tbsp. of rolled oats
8 tbsp. of water
4 tbsp of sweet condensed milk
Juice of 2 small lemons
4 apples
6-8 tbsp. of chopped nuts

~You can substitute the water and condensed milk with your favorite yogurt or add regular milk, half and half, or cream.
~Instead or in addition to the apples you can use berries or any other type of fruit.

1. In a bowl mix oats, water, condensed milk, and lemon juice.
2. Remove core from apples and cut into bite sizes without removing skin.
3. Grind apples into the bowl of oats. Add the nuts and serve immediately.

BROTAUFLAUF/Swiss bread pudding (serves 4)

200 grams of French bread
¾ cups of milk
50 grams melted butter
200 grams sugar
1 tsp. of cinnamon
1 lemon (juice and zest)
2 tbsp. rum
4 eggs (separate the yolks from the whites)

~Preheat oven to 375˚F
1. Slice the bread into thin pieces. Arrange them into a saucepan and pour the milk on top. Heat over low heat and as the bread softens break it into smaller pieces.
2. In a separate bowl combine the melted butter, sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and zest, rum, and egg yolks. Beat until incorporated and add to the bread mix.
3. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks and fold very carefully into the bread mixture. Turn heat off and pour mix into a Pyrex or soufflé dish.
4. Bake for about 1 hour. Serve immediately with vanilla ice cream

These four recipes are delicious and rather easy to make; try them for a taste of Switzerland.
*Pictures are courtesy of

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